Tuesday 15 December 2015

How Vedic Astrology Can Help in Your Career?

Large numbers of people, especially in India, believe in astrology and completely rely on it for making all their important life decisions. Right from their career, relationships to education, astrology is known to have the answers of all the complications in your life. If you want to make it big in Bollywood, but things don’t seem to be working Bollywood astrologer, Rajat Nayar can provide you with solutions to make things work in your favor.
A good career is highly important to live a comfortable life. However, a lot of people struggle with their careers and are simply unable to achieve their career goals. No matter how hard they try, things stop working for them altogether, and they find themselves distressed and bewildered. Many-a-times, this is due to the fault in their stars.
Astrology for Career Success
If you too are struggling with problems related to your career in Bollywood, IT, marketing, etc. Vedic astrology might be the solution for you. Good modern astrologer’s, like Rajat Nayar with their profound knowledge in this field, can provide you with all the answers to your questions based on your Vedic charts. The solutions that they will provide will help in eliminating the obstructions in your chart to provide you with fruitful results in the least possible time.
How Does Astrology Work?
Each person has a horoscope with a number of combinations (Yogas) that needs to be thoroughly analyzed to understand their strengths. Their strength has a direct impact on your life, and all the fortunes and misfortunes are based on the strength of these combinations. Career or Bollywood Astrologer Rajat Nayar also examines all the Ascendants (Lagnas) in your Vedic chart as it is believed that these ascendants play a major role in your career choice and financial situations.
The 2nd, 9th and 11th house in a Vedic chart are known to be responsible for your professional choices. Any obstructions in these houses can have a drastic effect on your career, resulting in a variety of profession or finance related problems. Rajat Nayar helps in eliminating these obstructions, allowing you to achieve all your career goals with ease. Apart from this, he can also provide you with a variety of solutions to accelerate your career growth and eliminate all the future obstructions as well.
If you’ve been struggling with your career for some time now, and hard work doesn’t seem to be the solution, consulting with an astrologer with regards to the planetary obstructions can be an ideal solution for all your problems. Apart from the career, education, finance, relationship problems can also be resolved with the help of their knowledge and experience.

Monday 16 November 2015

Top Services Offered by Famous Astrologer Rajat Nayar

Celebrity astrologer Rajat Nayar provides many services that can heal your soul, mind and situations. He has an expertise in the field of astrology, palmistry, numerology, vastu shastra and match making. With his years of experience and a vast list of reputed clientele, he is known to deliver instant solutions to all your problems such as money, love, marriage, property, parents etc.

The famous Indian astrologer Rajat Nayar has topped the news in recent times for delivering instant astrology results to high profile clients. His clients include celebrities and business men who face problems related to finances, luck and love. He possesses expertise in the field of astrology, numerology, vastu shastra, palmistry and match making. These fields take years of learning and experience to ensure the clients of absolute results. Though, some people practice astrology as different subject and possess expertise only over the same, Rajat Nayar has acquired knowledge on all the fields related to astrology. He also believes that a solution can be derived by analyzing various elements of one’s life such as the place they live or their relationships based on zodiacs. Therefore, to know more about his subject matter expertise, here’s the list services he provides;
Astrology: This is his strength. People from far off lands such as Dubai and Australia come to India to consult him. Being a technologically savvy astrologer, he also consults his clients on Skype. He also has a TV show where he guides people and helps in solving their problems through the means of astrology.

Numerology: The world around us is built on numbers such as car plates, house numbers, lane number, characters in your name etc. These things affect ones being in a way we cannot imagine. Therefore, making some minor changes in these shall reflect in healthy living.

Vastu Shastra: India is globally known as a land of Vastu Shastra. This science of places or real estate considers the vibes of the place along with its geographical position to determine its impact on the person possessing or living in this property.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Horoscope & Predictions for Bollywood by Rajat Nayar

Uncertainties rise in the wake of downside risk in a project. When the tradeoff becomes very high, people crave to look into the future, and this scenario is very prominent in the Bollywood industry. Rajat Nayar, the Bollywood Astrologer, assists them in analyzing their problems and predicting the future.

Bollywood is such an industry, which largely depends on the public acceptability, and that is why the amount of uncertainty in the return on investment is quite huge compared to other industries. When a lot of money is invested in a project or an actor is asked to take up a role, which is seemingly difficult or unacceptable, the element of downside risk goes up. And when the downside risk goes up, people get panic-stricken, and that is the time, when they crave to see the future. After all, their money or career will be invested and so they have to be pretty sure about the outcome.

When such kinds of problems are being encountered in the Bollywood industry, people try to turn towards only one man, and he is Rajat Nayar, the Bollywood Astrologer. This nick was not received in a day. More than thirty years of experience, domain knowledge, power of concentration, compassion towards work, analytical skills, and accuracy in predictions have brought him this name. Most of the Bollywood celebrities are his clients over years, and he has been serving them for a stint period of time. His glorious outreach has brought him national and international fame.

In most of the cases, the queries received by him from the Bollywood celebrities are majorly of two categories, namely the time and date for the first day of shoot, and suggesting the casting of a film.
As action speaks louder than words, reviews from his clients can give evidence of his capabilities.

His diagnosis & deep knowledge of the subject is Excellent” – says Mandeep Kaur, who works as Bollywood dress designer in Patiala, Punjab. After visiting more than twenty astrologers for the problems being faced by her, she came across Rajat Nayar. Unlike others, Rajat Nayar suggested her not to wear gemstones, and nearly all of her problems were solved.

Mr Rajat Nayar is not only an amazing astrologer but great at numerology too” – says Ekta Rai, who works as an assistant director in Mangalore. She has been benefited by this Online Horoscope Consultant  by simply changing her mobile number as suggested by him. Today she has more offers on her plate than she can handle.

Thanks a lot to the renowned Pandit Rajat Nayar ji” – says Sanjay Sharma, who is a producer in Mumbai. There have been several times, when he has encountered problems in business, and those were the times, when Rajat Nayar, brought him out of the situation.

I consulted Rajat ji online and thanks to him today I have bagged a lead role in a big banner TV serial – says R N SSinghal, who works as a TV actor in Hyderabad. He was struggling as a TV actor and was even thinking of changing his profession to meet his ends meet. After consultation from Rajat Nayar ji online, he was asked to change the spelling of his name and today he is a successful TV actor.

By making a rare combination of science and astrology, Rajat Nayar is changing the face of astrology and future prediction. He has been responsible for many Bollywood aspirants and established actors in helping them achieve their dreams in the tinsel town.

Monday 14 September 2015

My Wife Was Cured of Depression

I am a 32 years old married man. My marital life had gone completely haywire as my wife slipped into depression. We had tried all sorts of medication, but nothing worked. A friend of mine advised me to get in touch with Rajat ji. Though, I was a bit skeptical in the beginning as I read few complaints against Rajat Nayar ji. But, still decided to go to him seeing the faith my friend had shown in his expertise. Rajat ji suggested a havan to ward off ‘pitri dosha’ and also guided my wife to practice yoga and meditation. Today, she is all well and soon we are going to be blessed with a baby. Thank you Rajat ji.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

World Famous Astrologer and Horoscope Consultant - Rajat Nayar

Rajat Nayar use the knowledge of science in Astrology to not only tell the future but also provides suggestions to achieve or reach a destiny. You can also get answers of your queries by contacting him directly or watching a program on SAHARA SAMAY NCR NEWS CHANNEL at 8:00 AM.

Thursday 13 August 2015

Famous Numerologist and Astrologer - Rajat Nayar

“I finally got all my answers and guidance from Rajat Nayar Ji” -Srija Sinha, HR Manager, Mumbai

Nothing was going right. I found my husband cheating on me. My son wasn't keeping well. And my in-laws were not supportive at all. What was happening? Did I do anything wrong in the past? Am I repaying for my sins? Or was it a past life effect on my present? These questions were aptly answered by Rajat Sir, a famous numerologist in Mumbai who I later got to know, helped establish many Bollywood stars. Thank you very much sir for helping me out and being there for me throughout my struggling period. Thanks a lot!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Know the Origin of Horoscope and its Existence from RajatNayar

As per the Andhra Pradesh High Court judgement passed in 2001, many universities in the country are offering advanced degrees in astrology. Mr Rajat Nayar, a world renowned celebrity Bollywood Astrologer possesses deep knowledge on this topic. He has been making predictions to business czars and big shots.
Astrology can be defined as the study of influence of various planets and stars on an individual. It also plays a significant role in shaping personality of an individual combined with its future. Dating back to around 5000 years, astrology is known to help in discovering the innate power.
Indian astrology is popular as Jyotisha which is precisely the traditional Hindu system of astrology and dates back to centuries. Presently, it retains a position among modern India sciences.

Indian Astrology and Horoscope
Astrology and horoscope in India is an integral part of mankind which holds significance in many crucial ceremonies such as weddings and all phases of life.The earliest evidence of this practice and similar to these have been revealed as peculiar markings on cave walls. It also reveals importance given to lunar cycles by mankind almost twenty five thousand years ago. According to scientific studies and research, it is believed that the initial step towards this was through recording various impact of moon on tides and rivers. People during those days also organized a communal calendar.
A highly experienced and famous online horoscope consultant - Rajat Nayar is also one of the best in the business. He is known for his past jobs of assisting many Bollywood personalities. This association and success of all those whom he had predicted to be successful have been advertising the services. Rajat Nayar has helped a lot of people achieve their goals and fulfill their mission.  A hot favorite among Bollywood celebrities, Nayar is also an enthusiastic individual.
Here are some of the reviews from clientele of this world-renowned astrologer.
“It was a wonderful coincidence” -says Aarav Jain, a business owner, Kanpur
I was in Mumbai for some project when one of my friends asked me to accompany to Mr. Nayar for a consultation. Since I had some very bad experiences with money swindling astrologers in the past, I thought Rajat Nayar is a fraud. I also suggested my friend to check for Rajat Nayar complaints online and with friends before getting a consultation. At last, I was blessed with a meeting which was one of the best in my life. Today, all of my business projects start and prosper under his expert guidance and predictions.
“Unlike most fraud astrologers, RajatNayar is dedicated to a social cause”- says Pia Agarwal, an upcoming model, Delhi
The moment someone comes to know you are a struggling model, they start taking advantage of the situation. This has happened to me many times before I met Mr. Nayar. A helpful and generous human being, his knowledge in astrology is deep and holds an aim towards selfless service. I have bagged two big commercials for television under his guidance. Thank you Mr. Nayar for all th e support.
“No Complaints absolutely”– says Sudipto Bannerjee, a Creative Director at a multimedia firm, Chandigarh
I was under the influence of alcohol for a long time. Drugs were also a part of my life. Rehabilitation and expert guidance of Mr.Nayar has brought me back on track.
“Feeling blessed!” - says Purab Mishra, a super mart owner, Chennai
My business wasn't doing well. After meeting Mr.Nayar and following his remedies, my business has started working better. Truly feeling blessed!
If you have any complaints in life, these reviews will give you a ray of hope. You can even book a consultation with Rajat Nayar online! With Rajat Nayar, complaints, worries, doubts will just never exist in your life.