Thursday 1 December 2016

4 Reasons Why Astrology Can Be Incredibly Accurate In Predicting Your Future

Those who don’t know much about astrology tend to dismiss it off as just another type of superstitious practice that shouldn’t be given much credibility. But anyone who’d do more research about astrology and its practice would know well enough that it is so much more than the misconceptions about it would lead you to believe. In fact, astrology is completely rooted in science as it pertains the study of movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information about human affairs and terrestrial events. Needless to say, it can be pretty effective and accurate in predicting your future and if you’re still not convinced about that, here are 4 reasons that may make you think otherwise:

1. It can take years of practice and experience to become an astrologist.

As astrology actually involves the study and reading of the positions of different celestial objects located in our universe, it requires a long amount of practice and study for one to become an astrologist. In fact, it’s only when you’ve gained sufficient experience in astrology that you are taken seriously enough as an astrologist who can help predict one’s future. This also explains why renowned astrologists like Rajat Nayar charge fees for their work. 

2. Astrology can even help you solve problems in your relationships.

When an astrologer compares the astrological charts of two different individuals, he or she is able to figure out underlying compatibilities and potential problems that may be occurring between the two. As such, astrology can help them get more information about the problems they may be facing in their relationship. Needless to say, astrology is not just limited to making predictions about your heath and wealth, as it can even help solve problems that two people may be facing in their relationship (be it a romantic, platonic or business one).

3. Your zodiac sign is a lot more credible than you may think, as it comes from the sun.

Another important element of astrology, and perhaps its most popular, are zodiac signs. You may all know what your zodiac sign is but were you aware of the fact that your zodiac sign actually comes from the sun? This is also why you shouldn’t just brush if off as a mere superstition because what your zodiac sign will be depends on not just your birthdate, but also the position of the sun at the time of your birth.

4. Astrology is an ancient practice that has been followed for thousands of years.

The roots of astrology can be traced all the way back to 3000 BC Mesopotamia. From there on, different cultures such as Greek, Chinese and Indian have adapted astrology as a practice in their own way. 

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